Read more about the article If there is a Quarterback on the Team, Who is the Captain of the Defense
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If there is a Quarterback on the Team, Who is the Captain of the Defense

If there is a Quarterback on the Team, Who is the Captain of the Defense?!?  How Business Owners need to ‘draft’ the right players to run both sides of the…

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Read more about the article Business Owner Perspective on Talent:  Expense or Investment?!?
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Business Owner Perspective on Talent: Expense or Investment?!?

How you look at your payroll reveals a tremendous amount about you and your company. I work with quite a few business owners in my coaching/consulting business and lately it's…

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There is a New Quarterback on the Team: Why Financial Advisors Are Now The Most Trusted Advisors for Business Owners

The traditional ‘quarterback’ for a business owner planning their eventual exit of their business was traditionally the CPA.  No longer. The 2023 National State of Owner Readiness Report, published by…

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Read more about the article Burn Out and the Business Owner:  One of Your Greatest Threats to a Successful Exit on Your Terms
Stressed business executive sitting at desk and working overtime at night, he is overworked and tired

Burn Out and the Business Owner: One of Your Greatest Threats to a Successful Exit on Your Terms

Burnout It is terrifyingly real. I see it and combat it in my coaching practice on a regular basis. My ideal clients, owners of successful financial services businesses looking to…

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Read more about the article Who Should I Hire To Help Me Drive Growth and Exit Value For My Business?
exit strategy written by hand, hand writing on transparent board, photo

Who Should I Hire To Help Me Drive Growth and Exit Value For My Business?

Business owners want both growth and exit value increase for their businesses and why shouldn’t they?  I certainly do for my current businesses now and am actively working towards both…

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